Top 10 UK Social Bookmarking Sites List For Off Page SEO

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 Social Sharing Sites That Boost SEO & Drive Traffic


Digg is an addictive and highly engaging social bookmarking site that’s perfect for sharing your captivating content with a highly engaged audience. The site also offers a unique social search feature that connects users with even more quality content.


BizSugar is a well-designed and slickly implemented website where small business owners and entrepreneurs share news, information, and content. The site is free to sign up for and is a great way to connect with other small business owners. It has a surprisingly large user base and boasts an impressive blog posting system that is powered by a combination of technology and manual moderation to keep spam out of the fold. Having said that, you need to be careful about the quality of your post if you want to make a name for yourself and gain some valuable links in the process.

The site also has a small biz video page with a few videos on the front page that are worth watching for a plethora of tips and ideas for entrepreneurs. The site also offers a slew of other cool small business stuff including self-guided courses, mastermind groups, and monthly challenges. It’s the best small business resource for finding the latest and greatest in marketing, finance, management and technology. It’s also a fun way to network with other entrepreneurs and learn from the experts at the same time. The site has also won numerous awards. It’s a site you can’t afford to miss.


Dzone is a platform that provides software developers with a place to share their knowledge and learn more about different topics. It has over 1 million members and offers a huge range of tutorials, tools, and news items related to the development industry. It also allows developers to submit their own content. It is one of the best social bookmarking sites for software developers as it can provide them with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. The platform is very effective and easy to use, making it a popular choice for thousands of users worldwide. You can easily list your website and start getting traffic right away.

Moreover, you can also use the site for cross-promotions. This will help you get more exposure and better SEO results. You can also use this platform to promote your product offerings to tech buyers. It offers a vendor ranking system that helps buyers make purchasing decisions. It is a site that features news stories on science, technology, and politics that are submitted and evaluated by users and editors. It has a low spam rating and is moderated by experts.


Founded in 2012, Medium is a popular publishing platform that allows users to write long-form content. It is similar to Twitter, but with a longer character limit, and offers a variety of features for readers and writers alike. Medium’s user-friendly interface is perfect for anyone who is looking to start writing online. It doesn’t require any coding or knowledge of HTML, and it automatically formats the articles so that they are easy to read. In addition, Medium has a high Domain Authority that can help your content rank higher on search engines. Moreover, you can also import your existing blog posts and re-publish them on Medium. UK Social Bookmarking Sites List.

This is a great way to piggyback off of Medium’s popularity and SEO power. It’s also a great way to grow your following on the site, which can then be transferred to your own website. Another benefit of Medium is its reader-centric focus. Unlike Twitter, which tends to be more of an informational site, Medium is more about encouraging engagement between readers and writers. This is because users can leave comments, share their favorite stories, and recommend them to others. It’s a unique and powerful feature that helps connect readers with interesting and informative stories.


Flipboard is a popular "smart magazine" app that aggregates content from social media, blogs, and news websites. It creates personalized feeds for its users based on their interests and browsing history. The platform is available on both desktop and mobile devices, including Android and iOS. It's a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest news and share interesting stories with friends and followers. It's also a great platform for brands and businesses to gain exposure. By creating magazines and distributing articles, brands can get their stories in front of an audience that might not otherwise know about them.

In addition to organic traffic, brands can also take advantage of paid advertising options on Flipboard. These ads appear on user's feeds based on their interests or browsing history. If you're looking to increase your website traffic, Flipboard is a powerful tool that can level the playing field with larger competitors. It's also a great way to build brand awareness and establish your expertise in a specific niche. The key to success on Flipboard is to research relevant keywords and trends, craft engaging titles, and use beautiful visuals. Incorporating these elements will make your content stand out and generate more traffic to your site.


Pearltrees is an online social curation and bookmarking service that allows you to organize any URL you find on the Web. It also lets you upload personal photos and notes. The service is free to use, and there are paid-for premium membership plans for enhanced storage, privacy control, advertisement-free experience, and other features. It has apps for iOS and Android devices as well, so you can manage your bookmarks from wherever you are. Unlike other social bookmarking tools, Pearltrees uses a visual curation method for organizing your bookmarks. Each item in a user's collection is represented by a "pearl." These pearls can be assembled into trees that represent a topic.

This approach makes the site more intuitive than a typical browser's bookmark list. It's especially useful when you need to quickly find something specific from a long list of links. Paris-based Pearltrees has launched a major update that adds some new features to the service. These include a new editor that lets users annotate texts, caption images and write more complex notes. The company is also launching a browser extension that lets you save only snippets of a page -- such as a snippet of text or a photo.


Pinboard is a social bookmarking app that allows users to save, share, and find their way around the internet. It features a number of handy gizmos including an elegantly designed search engine and one of the first nifty-looking browser-based browser extensions. The site scours the web for relevant content and delivers a tidy list of recommended sites. It also allows you to create your own custom web pages and widgets and has a nice-to-have interface for sharing them with friends or colleagues. It is no wonder that the site has been downloaded over 3 million times since its launch.

It is not hard to see why: the website has a large community of avid users, and it is a breeze to set up an account. Among its most impressive features is its ability to store and display websites in an elegant fashion, even when the browser is closed. The site has several gizmos to choose from, but the best of the bunch has to be the one that displays your most recent favorites in a nifty little dashboard. Besides showcasing your favorites, it also enables you to organize your browsing history and sort your bookmarks by date and time. This may be the most useful function in a service as feature-rich as Pinboard, and will help you stay on top of what matters most to you.


Mix is a social bookmarking site that provides a new way to discover and save the things you love on the internet. It is the successor to StumbleUpon, and was launched in June 2023. Founded by the makers of StumbleUpon, Mix provides a platform where you can search for and save content across multiple topics. The website uses machine learning and user-curated selections to show you content that interests you. The website is free to use, and you can sign up using your Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter credentials. You can save any type of content from anywhere on the internet, including images, videos, stories, and more.

This social bookmarking site is a great place to find and share interesting links, articles, and photos that you can bookmark for later. It also helps you to build rapport with other users, which can be helpful in building links, traffic, and leads. However, it is essential to remember that different bookmarking sites support different types of content. For example, Reddit supports controversial topics while Pinterest is more oriented towards images. This means that it’s best to find out which content works well for a particular site before you create a post for it.

UK Social Bookmarking Sites List

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